Funeral services & arrangements, Camperdown & Terang
For thoughtful, caring and compassionate funeral care in Terang and Camperdown and surrounding districts, you can trust Macqueen’s Funerals.
Calling us
Making that first call to our Funeral Director may be one of the hardest things you have to do. You will have our support and our commitment to put in place the kind of funeral you would like to have.
Bringing deceased people into our care
When someone dies at home, the death will need to be certified by a doctor before we can transfer them. If you are unsure you may wish to ring us for the advice you need.
Making the arrangements
When you are ready, we will set up a time to help you make the funeral arrangements. Some people choose to meet prior to an expected death and make preliminary arrangements. Other people choose to organise a funeral bond.
Organising a ceremony
Ceremonies vary from a traditional service in a church or a simple graveside service through to something quite unique such as a ceremony on a farm, at home or in a local venue appropriate to the person who has died.
The choice to see someone who has died is a deeply personal one. We endeavour to provide people with options such as a large family viewing or a private quiet time. Some families choose to turn this into an informal ceremony before a private cremation.
Burial or cremation
In Australia approximately 35 percent of people are buried and 65 percent cremated. In the country, the rates of burial are higher. Burials and cremations can take place before or after the funeral ceremony.
The grave, if it has not been pre-purchased, is bought as part of the funeral arrangements. Many people choose to have a new grave dug to accommodate one or two future burials.
In Australia it is unusual to attend the physical cremation though families may choose to have a ceremony at the crematorium chapel. From the Victoria’s South-West, it is more common to have a local ceremony and then for the hearse and funeral staff to depart the service and proceed unaccompanied to the crematorium.
Memorial services
A memorial service is held when the coffin is not present (though sometimes ashes are). People choose this option for a variety of reasons. Sometimes people who might be expecting a large attendance have a small private funeral at the time of death and then a public service later.
Other services
We are happy to share from our experience if you would like to organise something special in your family or community group. We are deeply committed to farewelling and commemorating those we have loved in the most meaningful ways possible.
Macqueen’s Funerals also offers an up to date website offering online funeral notices and tributes as part of our funeral service, making it easier for families and friends to publicise the arrangements and to leave tributes and sympathy messages for the families of those recently bereaved.
Funeral planning
The most straight forward thing to do is to ring for an appointment and Belinda or Steve will explain the different options.
Whatever your concerns, ring Belinda or Steve and talk it over. They can come to your place or you’re welcome to meet at the Camperdown or Terang funeral homes.
At Macqueens Funerals, we understand that losing a loved one is an incredibly challenging time. Our cremation services are designed to offer compassionate and affordable options to families in Camperdown, Terang and the broader Corangamite Shire. We are here to support you through every step of this difficult journey. We offer a range of cremation...Read more
Coffins & Caskets
Macqueen’s Funerals has a selection of fibreboard and timber coffins, and caskets to choose from. All our coffins are manufactured to the highest standards. Please take a look at our gallery below for more information about the caskets and coffins available. Please contact Macqueen’s Funerals and one of our friendly funeral directors can help you...Read more