Funeral support services in Camperdown & Terang
What to do when someone dies?
Call Macqueen’s Funerals in Camperdown or Terang if you would like reassurance about what to do at any stage.
If someone dies at home and the death is expected
You need to have the death verified, so call your medical professional. You may want the person to be brought to our Camperdown or Terang funeral home immediately or you may want the person to stay with you for some time. If you are alone and would like us to wait with you until family members arrive, just let us know. When you are ready, you can choose whether you would like to meet with us in your home or at our funeral home. We will then guide you as you make the funeral services arrangements.
If someone dies in hospital
If the death is expected, the nursing staff will organise the necessary paperwork. We can then bring the person back to our funeral home when you are ready. Let us know when you are ready to begin making funeral arrangements.
If the death was not expected or was caused in an accident, the person will be transferred to the State Coroner’s Office. Although the funeral will not be immediate, it can be helpful if we meet and start to plan the funeral.
Support Services
- Lifeline (24-hour service): 131 114
- SIDS & KIDS: 1300 308 307
- Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
- Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement: 1300 664 786
You can also talk to our funeral directors about pre-arranged and funeral bonds in Terang and Camperdown.