WHEATON, Norma Enid

Born on December 27, 1934. Passed away on March 16, 2015.

Passed away peacefully after a long struggle with ill health.

Dearly loved and loving wife of Fred.

Loving Mum to Gill and David, Robyn and Geoff, Russell and Maree, Chris and Debbie.

Loved Grandma and Great Grandma to all her grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Neither words nor tears will fill the gap left in our hearts by your passing.

Funeral Notice

Service held Sunday March 27, 2016 - 1:30pm

The Funeral Service for Norma will be held at the Cobden Uniting Church, Curdie St Cobden, on Tuesday (March 29) at 1.30pm.

The Burial Service will follow at the Cobden Cemetery.

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