ELDRED, Lorraine Ethel

Born Wednesday 22nd October 1941

Passed away Monday 3rd February 2025

Passed away peacefully at the Mount View Aged Care Facility, Terang.

Dearly loved wife of Peter.

Loving mother and mother-in-law of Dennis (dec) and Janet, Stephen, Brian and Kellie, and Lynn.

Loved grandmother of Patrick, Jeremy, Bridget, Kody (dec), Darryl, Sarah, Heidi, Chloe, Ethan, Luke, Harry, Kieran, Brenton and Tiana.

Great Gran to Oliver (dec), Kash, Mason, Phoebe, Ethan. Rumi and Nora, Harrison, Gracie, Kiara, Aubree and Kaiser.

Funeral Notice

Service held Monday February 10, 2025 - 1:00pm

The Funeral Service for Lorraine will be held at Macqueen’s Chapel, 9 Leura St Camperdown, on Monday (Feb 10) at 1:00pm.

Private cremation

3 tributes Leave your tribute

  1. I have known you for nearly fifty years, it broke my heart to see you suffering. Thank goodness it’s over lm so relieved your at peace… Pa did a fantastic job being by your side every day he never failed, he was dedicated and for that he should hold his head high. You will be able to see Dennis now, he will be waiting for you with an endless cup of tea. Rest in peace. Love Janet

    Janet February 5 2025 6:07 pm
  2. Have known you nearly all of my life. Heartbreaking to see you suffering, such a relief that you are now at peace. Dennis will be waiting for you at the pearly gates with an endless cup of tea . Rest now and in peace. Love Janet

    Janet February 9 2025 1:33 pm
  3. Lorraine,
    You are the most generous and kind soul we have had the joy to know. Sorry we couldn’t be here today. Our memories have been many happy times at Cobden, Princetown and Haslum. Goodbye sweet lady. All our love, Bo and Marilyn. xx

    Marilyn Rantall February 10 2025 1:43 pm

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